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Custom Software

A custom software solution is developed, keeping the company’s management, branding, implementation needs, and business processes in mind. Whether you are an entrepreneur or planning software development for a small business, make sure you keep every little thing into consideration, such as identifying your business challenges and analysing your business requirements. Hiring a custom software development company takes care of your business and provides you with the best knowledge to design the solution.

Bekker Technologies specialise in the development of custom software for small and medium-sized businesses. Till now, we have delivered loads of exclusively designed software to meet unique challenges. We design digitally adaptable products rather than features. These are real-world issues with futuristic solutions. And we make certain that they are delivered regardless of any factors that may impede development or progress. Everything is in order. Do you know where you’re going? We know exactly how to get you there. In the long run, our priority is to see your business succeed.

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Office Automation Software

An office automation system is a tool that transfers data from one system to another without the touch of human intervention or error. These tools help businesses collect, manage, and analyse data in order to complete day-to-day tasks and processes. Business processes and procedures that are already in place are optimised and automated. Our young, dynamic team set out to develop software to remove constraints or eliminate the time the procedure takes. More specifically, we develop an application with below mention:

  • Compared to traditional software, we design a solution that makes the office file management system fasible=> folder, directory, and file save search move copy find in a fraction of the time.
  • Cutting-edge technology to improve the speed of slow computers.
  • Budget-friendly company management system.
  • Office problem detection => detect problems in business processes using over 50 variables and email management every morning. Problems include projects that are losing money, processes that have been inactive for an extended period of time, files that have not been invoiced, commission debited by a salesman who was not involved in the transaction, a new supplier alert, a supplier invoice that is higher than expected, and a profit margin on a file that is too low in real numbers or in percentage.

Computer Monitoring Software

Companies working remotely, hybrid or office, require computer monitoring software to track productivity and secure business credentials. This software blocks access to social medial platforms and limits private amusements to improve business performance. Reporting to management what employees have been doing during business hours allows for tracking productivity.

It continuously checks the browsing history on the computer in the background. It tracks which apps and platforms they spend the most time on and for how long, and it has the ability to click several screenshots within an hour automatically. You can also get admin access to the dashboard, where you can see all of your employees’ information, compare their efficiency rates, and so on. Efficiency is measured using the technique your group prefers for measuring apps and websites. In many cases, they can be classified as dynamic, fruitless, or balanced so that the software can track productive hours at work.

You can use monitoring software to set up warnings based on keywords staff are searching for or the site they are browsing. Furthermore, you can scan emails and USB connections for malware and receive notifications when someone copies data from your systems. Overall, having this advanced level of security in the firm is advantageous because frauds caused by malicious actions are unpredictable. Also, employees are aware of the tracking process taking place in the background, and they want to perform well in front of their managers. As a result, they will place greater emphasis on their work.

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We Provide Complete Game Development Services 

Being a successful video game development company, we have the resources to develop games for multiple platforms using numerous advanced game development technologies. Concept enhancement, character design, concept art, animation, programming, and testing are among the services we offer to our customers. This makes us your one-stop shop for all of your game development needs as a leading game development and designing company.